About us
BrainExperiments.com is a non-profit scientific organization based in Montreal, Canada.
Our mission is to perform scientific research in brain-related sciences.
The main scientific method we use is a Computational Neuroscience modeling of cognitive architectures. We build models of neuronal structures, with the aim to reproduce real-life brain-related behavioral results.
What are we proud of
For the first time in the history of scientific research in musical perception, it is our model that succeeded to perfectly and completely reproduce the list of sounds ordered by pleasantness (the Consonance pattern) - the one widely accepted in Western musical culture by scientists and musicians.
To learn more, see our peer-reviewed published paper: Emergence of the consonance pattern within synaptic weights of a neural network featuring Hebbian neuroplasticity, Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, October 2017 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bica.2017.09.001).
You may check our non-profits certificate here:
Toso Pankovski is the founder and principal researcher of BrainExperiments.com
Lives and works in Montreal, Canada.
His research interests are:
- Discovering neural network structures that solve and reproduce real-life neural phenomena
- Standardization of BCI (brain-computer interfaces)
- Signal analysis, related to auditory perception
Social media profiles:
Eva Pankovska is a Pure and Applied Science Honors student, from Marianopolis College in Montreal, Canada.
She is a research member of BrainExperiments.com.
Social media profile:
Toso Pankovski:
Conditioned Standard BCI CODEC – A theoretical proposal, Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, April 2018.
Toso Pankovski & Eva Pankovska:
Emergence of the consonance pattern within synaptic weights of a neural network featuring Hebbian neuroplasticity, Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, October 2017.
Toso Pankovski:
Fast calculation algorithm for discrete resonance-based band-pass filter, Alexandria Engineering Journal, July 2016
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